Horace 'Kicker' Vallas

Kicker's Retired :-)

Hi - thanks for dropping by ... and yup, I've retired.

For friends, I'm still Faced and Tubed and, of course, email still works ;-)

I mean, the last 28 years of Internet related stuff have been interesting - and a sort of fun way to close a 45+ year software career HA HA!

Oh heck, it's all been fun ... wellll - mostly fun heh heh ... I think the MOST fun I had online over the years was the TennisPensacola site ... a LOT of fun .. sadly, I took it down when I shut down my server - so here's a Wayback.. It was a fun 10 years or so ... But HEY! ... the second most fun site I've done is still up and going strong: BackBeNimble ... HA HA! Took it over @ '95 or '96 in it's first (or maybe second) incarnation - then rebuilt it - and rebuilt it again ... now on its 3rd or maybe 4th incarnation and STILL going strong HA!

AAAaanyway, except for occasional tweaks or various odds and ends on BBN, I'm done! But HEY! If you're fighting any sort of bodily discomfort, be sure to take a look at BackBeNimble - the personal Dual Channel TENS unit helped get me through several nasty bouts of sciatica heh heh - and BTW, touch base with Brad over at BBN if you have any questions - he can be terrifically helpful. 82nd Airborne Div.

Horace 'Kicker' Vallas

Offers for the hav.com name

I get a LOT of offers to buy the hav.com name - most, apparently, from name brokers or site developers - and most around the $30K range.
Kicker's VCard QR code
So, if you're looking to buy the hav.com name, just know that hav.com has been my online persona for the last 26 years or so - well, since @ 1996 anyway - and, while I'd be willing to sell, it will take a rather astronomical offer to convince me to do so ... just sayin' ...

Anyway - Thanks - it's been fun! ... I hope this side of the bridge will be as well ...
... I'm thinkin' it will be HA!

Horace 'Kicker' Vallas Horace 'Kicker' Vallas Horace 'Kicker' Vallas
Horace 'Kicker' Vallas Horace 'Kicker' Vallas Horace 'Kicker' Vallas
Horace 'Kicker' Vallas Horace and Denabear Oct 6, 1984 Horace and Denabear
Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick Shalako's Sidekick for Kicker - aka Kick-kick

HA HA! Found a Wayback of Kick-kick's old page!!

Bear dudley Vallas Bear dudley Vallas Bear Dudley Vallas - He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

HA! ALSO found a Wayback of Bear's old page

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before bothering to watch ANY of these vids, know that there are MUCH better videos of these online by WAY better players using WAY better recording facilities than my 8-bit mono webcam LOL ... Picking up the guitar after so many years away was just something I did to pass time and maintain after Denbear died. OH! and I only put this here to make sure I could have several rows of preview images beneath the little slider script. AAAaaaanyway...

Ok, one more thing ... IF you do watch any of these, do yourself (and me) a favor and do so with REAL speakers instead of, say, computer or phone speakers! I mean, even car speakers are better HA HA HA HA HA

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I Dream of You (with Dolphins ha!) -by Per-Olov Kindgren
Julia Florida -by Augustin Barrios Mangore
(Early) Vals op 8 no 3 -by Augustin Barrios Mangore
Milonga -by Jorge Cardoso
El Noi de la Mare
Zoom Q3-HD demo ... La Cécilienne -by Thierry Tisserand
Gymnopedie no1 -by Erik Satie (dream vid LOL)
A Silly Take On Greensleeves
Canco Trista - by Paco Talarn
Chopin Etude op10 no3 - An Early Practice

Test embed of Vimeo vid